 * The `proact-dsl` module provides DSL for creating and managing different ProAct objects.
 * @module proact-dsl
 * @main proact-dsl

 * <p>
 *  Constructs a `ProAct.Registry`.
 *  It is used to store/create objects that can be referenced or configured using the {{#crossLink "ProAct.DSL"}}{{/crossLink}}.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *  `ProAct.Registry` is part of the `proact-dsl` module of ProAct.js.
 * </p>
 * @class ProAct.Registry
 * @constructor
function Registry () {
  this.providers = {};
ProAct.Registry = P.R = Registry;

ProAct.Registry.prototype = rProto = {

   * Reference to the constructor of this object.
   * @property constructor
   * @type ProAct.Registry
   * @final
   * @for ProAct.Registry
  constructor: ProAct.Registry,

   * Registers a {{#crossLink "ProAct.Registry.Provider"}}{{/crossLink}} for the passed <i>namespace</i> in the registry.
   * @for ProAct.Registry
   * @instance
   * @method register
   * @param {String} namespace
   *      The namespace to register the <i>provider</i> in.
   * @param {ProAct.Registry.Provider} provider
   *      The {{#crossLink "ProAct.Registry.Provider"}}{{/crossLink}} to register.
   * @return {ProAct.Registers}
   *      <i>this</i>
   * @throws {Error}
   *      If a {{#crossLink "ProAct.Registry.Provider"}}{{/crossLink}} is already registered for the passed <i>namespace</i>.
  register: function (namespace, provider) {
    if (this.providers[namespace]) {
      throw new Error(namespace + 'is already registered in this registry.');
    this.providers[namespace] = provider;
    if (provider.registered) {
    return this;

   * Retrieves the right {{#crossLink "ProAct.Registry.Provider"}}{{/crossLink}} using the <i>name</i> of stored
   * in <i>this</i> ProAct.Registry object, or the <i>name</i> of an object to be stored
   * @for ProAct.Registry
   * @instance
   * @method getProviderByName
   * @param {String} name
   *      The name of storable object.
   *      <p>
   *        It must be in the format '{namespace}:{key}'.
   *      </p>
   *      <p>
   *        Here the namespace is the namespace the {{#crossLink "ProAct.Registry.Provider"}}{{/crossLink}} manages.
   *      </p>
   * @return {Array}
   *      The first element in the result is the {{#crossLink "ProAct.Registry.Provider"}}{{/crossLink}} or undefined if not found.
   *      <p>
   *        The second one is the <b>key</b> at which an object is stored or will be stored in the provider.
   *      </p>
   *      <p>
   *        The third element is an array with options for storing/creating an object passed to the provider using
   *        the <i>name</i> string.
   *      </p>
  getProviderByName: function (name) {
    var parts = name.split(':');

    return [this.providers[parts[0]], parts[1], parts.slice(2)];

   * Configures an object to be stored using {{#crossLink "ProAct.DSL"}}{{/crossLink}} passed through <i>options</i> and DSL arguments.
   * <p>
   *  Example usage:
   * </p>
   * <p>
   *  A {{#crossLink "ProAct.Stream"}}{{/crossLink}} is passed to the registry for setup with DSL data.
   * </p>
   * <p>
   *  The data passed through the <i>options</i> parameter is
   *  <pre>
   *    '<<(s:foo)|map(-)|filter($1)'
   *  </pre>
   * </p>
   * <p>
   *  And the arguments for the DSL machine passed through the <i>args</i> parameter are
   *  <pre>
   *    [function (v) {
   *      return v % 2 === 0;
   *    }]
   *  </pre>
   * </p>
   * <p>
   *  This means that a {{#crossLink "ProAct.Stream"}}{{/crossLink}} stored in <i>this</i> registry by the key 'foo' should be set
   *  as a source to the passed as the <i>object</i> parameter simple {{#crossLink "ProAct.Stream"}}{{/crossLink}}.
   * </p>
   * <p>
   *  It also means that for every value comming in the <i>object</i> parameter's stream there should be mapping of negativity and
   *  only even values should be passed to it.
   * </p>
   * <p>
   *  So if we trigger in the 'foo' stream the value of <b>4</b> in our stream we will get <b>-4</b>, and if we trigger 5, we won't get anything.
   * </p>
   * @for ProAct.Registry
   * @instance
   * @method setup
   * @param {Object} object
   *      The object to setup.
   * @param {String|Object} options
   *      A {{#crossLink "ProAct.DSL"}}{{/crossLink}} data object or string used to setup the object.
   * @param {Array} args
   *      Arguments to be used by the {{#crossLink "ProAct.DSL/run:method"}}{{/crossLink}} method while configuring the passed <i>object</i>.
   * @return {Object}
   *      Ready to strore object.
  setup: function (object, options, args) {
    return, [object, options, this].concat(args));

   * Creates a new object and stores it in <i>this</i> registry, using the right provider for the creation
   * and configuring it using the DSL passed through the <i>options</i> parameter.
   * <p>
   *  {{#crossLink "ProAct.Registry/getProviderByName:method"}}{{/crossLink}} is used to locate the right provider to create the object with.
   * </p>
   * <p>
   *  {{#crossLink "ProAct.Registry/setup:method"}}{{/crossLink}} is used to setup the newly created object using the {{#crossLink "ProAct.DSL"}}{{/crossLink}}
   * </p>
   * <p>
   *  The idea of this method is to create and configure {{#crossLink "ProAct.Actor"}}{{/crossLink}} objects.
   * </p>
   * @for ProAct.Registry
   * @instance
   * @method make
   * @param {String} name
   *      Name of the object to create and store.
   *      <p>
   *        It must be in the format '{namespace}:{key}'
   *      </p>
   * @param {String|Object} options
   *      A {{#crossLink "ProAct.DSL"}}{{/crossLink}} data object or string used to setup the object to be created.
   * @param [...]
   *      <b>Arguments</b> to be used by the {{#crossLink "ProAct.DSL/run:method"}}{{/crossLink}} method while configuring the newly created <i>object</i>.
   * @return {Object}
   *      The newly created, stored and configured object, or null if there was no {{#crossLink "ProAct.Registry.Provider"}}{{/crossLink}} register for its type.
  make: function (name, options) {
    var args =, 2),
        p = this.getProviderByName(name),

    if (p[0]) {
      actor = p[0].make.apply(p[0], [p[1], p[2]].concat(args));
      return this.setup(actor, options, args);
    return null;

   * Stores an object  in <i>this</i> registry, using the right provider to configure it using the DSL passed through the <i>options</i> parameter.
   * <p>
   *  {{#crossLink "ProAct.Registry/getProviderByName:method"}}{{/crossLink}} is used to locate the right provider to store the object to.
   * </p>
   * @for ProAct.Registry
   * @instance
   * @method store
   * @param {String} name
   *      Name of the object to store.
   *      <p>
   *        It must be in the format '{namespace}:{key}'
   *      </p>
   * @param {Object} object
   *      The object to store.
   * @param {String|Object} options
   *      A {{#crossLink "ProAct.DSL"}}{{/crossLink}} data object or string used to setup the object to be stored (optional).
   * @param [...]
   *      <b>Arguments</b> to be used by the {{#crossLink "ProAct.DSL/run:method"}}{{/crossLink}} method while configuring the <i>object</i>.
   * @return {Object}
   *      The stored and configured object, or null if there was no {{#crossLink "ProAct.Registry.Provider"}}{{/crossLink}} register for its type.
  store: function (name, object, options) {
    var args =, 2),
        p = this.getProviderByName(name);

    if (p[0]) {
      return p[0].store.apply(p[0], [p[1], object, p[2]].concat(args));
    return null;

   * Retrieves an object, stored <i>this</i> registry.
   * <p>
   *  {{#crossLink "ProAct.Registry/getProviderByName:method"}}{{/crossLink}} is used to locate the right provider to retrieve the object from.
   * </p>
   * @for ProAct.Registry
   * @instance
   * @method get
   * @param {String} name
   *      Name of the object to find.
   *      <p>
   *        It must be in the format '{namespace}:{key}'
   *      </p>
   * @return {Object}
   *      The stored object, or null if there was no {{#crossLink "ProAct.Registry.Provider"}}{{/crossLink}} register for its type or no object registered for the passed <i>name</i>.
  get: function (name) {
    var p = this.getProviderByName(name);

    if (p[0]) {
      return p[0].get(p[1]);
    return null;

   * Helper method for transforming an array of keys of stored items in <i>this</i> `ProAct.Registry` to an array of the actual items.
   * <p>
   *  Mainly used by the {{#crossLink "ProAct.DSL"}}{{/crossLink}} logic.
   * </p>
   * @for ProAct.Registry
   * @protected
   * @instance
   * @method toObjectArray
   * @param {Array} array
   *      Array of string keys to objects stored in <i>this</i> registry to be retrieved using {{#crossLink "ProAct.Registry/toObject:method"}}{{/crossLink}}.
   *      <p>
   *        If object is not stored on some key, the key itself is returned in the same possition in the result array.
   *      </p>
   * @return {Array}
   *      Of the retrieved objects, in the same order as the keys.
  toObjectArray: function (array) {
    var self = this;
    if (!P.U.isArray(array)) {
      return this.toObject(array);
    return, function (el) {
      return self.toObject(el);

   * Helper method for transforming a key of stored item in <i>this</i> `ProAct.Registry` to the actual item or returning the key, if
   * the item is not found in the `ProAct.Registry`.
   * <p>
   *  Mainly used by the {{#crossLink "ProAct.DSL"}}{{/crossLink}} logic.
   * </p>
   * @for ProAct.Registry
   * @protected
   * @instance
   * @method toObject
   * @param {String|Object} data
   *      Key of strored object or something else. If the key is valid and there is something stored on it, the stored object is retrieved.
   *      <p>
   *        If there is nothing stored for this <i>data</i>, the <i>data</i> itself is returned.
   *      </p>
   * @return {Object}
   *      Stored object, if found using the passed <i>data</i> or the <i>data</i> itself.
  toObject: function (data) {
    if (P.U.isString(data)) {
      var result = this.get(data);
      return result ? result : data;

    return data;

P.U.ex(P.Actor.prototype, {

   * Adds a new <i>transformation</i> to the list of transformations
   * of <i>this actor</i>.
   * <p>
   *  A transformation is a function or an object that has a <i>call</i> method defined.
   *  This function or call method should have one argument and to return a transformed version of it.
   *  If the returned value is {{#crossLink "ProAct.Actor/BadValue:property"}}{{/crossLink}}, the next transformations are skipped and the updating
   *  value/event becomes - bad value.
   * </p>
   * <p>
   *  Every value/event that updates <i>this actor</i> will be transformed using the new transformation.
   * </p>
   * This method uses {{#crossLink "ProAct.Actor/transform:method"}}{{/crossLink}}, but can read transformation
   * funtion/object stored in the registry (if the proact-dsl module is present) by it's string name.
   * @for ProAct.Actor
   * @instance
   * @method transformStored
   * @protected
   * @param {Object|String} transformation The transformation to add. Can be string - to be retrieved by name.
   * @param {String} type The type of the transformation, for example `mapping`.
   * @return {ProAct.Actor}
   *      <b>this</b>
  transformStored: function (transformation, type) {
    if (P.U.isString(transformation)) {, type + '(' + transformation + ')', P.registry);
      return this;

    return this.transform(transformation);


P.U.ex(P.S, {
  fromString: function (str, args) {
    return P.registry.setup(
      new ProAct.Stream(), str, args

P.U.ex(P.ObjectCore.prototype, {

   * Applies meta information and actions on already created property.
   * This method is called by the {{#crossLink "ProAct.ObjectCore/makeProp:method"}}{{/crossLink}} one,
   * other modules can inject logic by overriding it.
   * The meta is in format of the {{#crossLink "ProAct.DSL"}}{{/crossLink}}.
   * @for ProAct.ObjectCore
   * @protected
   * @instance
   * @method applyMeta
   * @param {String|Array} meta
   *      Meta information for the property to modify with.
   * @param {ProAct.Property} property
   *      The property to update.
  applyMeta: function (meta, property) {
    if (meta && P.registry) {
      if (!P.U.isArray(meta)) {
        meta = [meta];

      if (!(meta[0] instanceof ProAct.Property)) {
        P.registry.setup.apply(P.registry, [property].concat(meta));
