Defined in: src/js/dsl/dsl.js:189
Module: proact-dsl

The operation definitions of the DSL.

All of the available and executable operations defined in the ProAct.DSL.

Users of ProAct.js can add their own operation to it.

   ProAct.DSL.ops.myOp = ProAct.OpStore.all.simpleOp('foo', 'foo');

Item Index



Object final

DSL operation for adding accumulation to the target ProAct.Actor of the DSL.

For example

   'acc($1, f:bla)'
means that accumulating function, stored in the ProAct.Registry as 'bla' should be added as accumulation to the targed ProAct.Actor of the DSL, and the first argument passed to ProAct.DSL/run:method after the targed object, the DSL data and the registry should be used as initial value for the accumulation.


Object final

DSL operation for adding filters to the target ProAct.Actor of the DSL.

For example

means that filtering function, stored in the ProAct.Registry as 'bla' should be add as filter to the targed ProAct.Actor of the DSL.


means that filtering function passed to the ProAct.DSL/run:method method as the first argument after the targed object, the DSL data and the registry should be added as filter to the targed ProAct.Actor of the DSL.


Object final

DSL operation for defining sources of ProAct.Actors.

For example

means that the source of the targed of the DSL should be a stream stored in the ProAct.Registry by the key 'bla'.


means that the source of the targed of the DSL should be an ProAct.Actor passed to the ProAct.DSL/run:method method as the first argument after the targed object, the DSL data and the registry.


Object final

DSL operation for adding mapping to the target ProAct.Actor of the DSL.

For example

means that mapping function, stored in the ProAct.Registry as 'bla' should be mapped to the targed ProAct.Actor of the DSL.


means that mapping function passed to the ProAct.DSL/run:method method as the second argument after the targed object, the DSL data and the registry should be mapped to the targed ProAct.Actor of the DSL.


Object final

DSL operation for attaching listener to the target ProAct.Actor of the DSL.

For example

means that listener function, stored in the ProAct.Registry as 'bla' should be attached as a listener to the targed ProAct.Actor of the DSL.


Object final

DSL operation for setting the targed of the DSL as sources of another ProAct.Actors.

For example

means that the targed of the DSL should become a source for a stream stored in the ProAct.Registry by the key 'bla'.


means that the targed of the DSL should become a source for an ProAct.Actor passed to the ProAct.DSL/run:method method as the first argument after the targed object, the DSL data and the registry.