- /**
- * @module proact-core
- */
- /**
- * <p>
- * `ProAct.Actor` is the basic observer-observable functionallity in ProAct.js
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * The actors in ProAct.js form the dependency graph.
- * If some actor listens to changes from another - it depends on it.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * The actors can transform the values or events incoming to them.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * Every actor can have a parent actor, that will be notified for all the changes
- * on the child-actor, it is something as special observer.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * ProAct.Actor is part of the core module of ProAct.js.
- System.out.println();
- * </p>
- *
- * @class ProAct.Actor
- * @constructor
- * @param {String} [queueName]
- * The name of the queue all the updates should be pushed to.
- * <p>
- * If this parameter is null/undefined the default queue of
- * {{#crossLink "ProAct/flow:property"}}{{/crossLink}} is used.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * If this parameter is not a string it is used as the
- * <i>transforms</i>.
- * </p>
- * @param {Array} [transforms]
- * A list of transformation to be used on all incoming chages.
- */
- function Actor (queueName, transforms) {
- if (queueName && !P.U.isString(queueName)) {
- transforms = queueName;
- queueName = null;
- }
- P.U.defValProp(this, 'listeners', false, false, true, this.defaultListeners());
- P.U.defValProp(this, 'listener', false, false, true, null);
- P.U.defValProp(this, 'errListener', false, false, true, null);
- P.U.defValProp(this, 'closeListener', false, false, true, null);
- P.U.defValProp(this, 'parent', false, false, true, null);
- P.U.defValProp(this, 'queueName', false, false, false, queueName);
- P.U.defValProp(this, 'transforms', false, false, true,
- (transforms ? transforms : []));
- P.U.defValProp(this, 'state', false, false, true, P.States.init);
- this.init();
- }
- ProAct.Actor = P.Pro = Actor;
- P.U.ex(P.Actor, {
- /**
- * A constant defining bad values or bad events.
- *
- * Part of the filtering mechainsm; If a transformation returns
- * a `BadValue`, based on uncomming event -> the event is skipped.
- *
- * @property BadValue
- * @type Object
- * @final
- * @static
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- */
- BadValue: {},
- /**
- * A constant defining closing or ending events.
- *
- * If a transformation returns this value, the actor will be closed.
- *
- * You can manually close `Actor`s updating them with this constant as an event.
- *
- * @property Close
- * @type Object
- * @final
- * @static
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- */
- Close: {},
- /**
- * Transforms the passed <i>val</i> using the {{#crossLink "ProAct.Actor/transforms:method"}}{{/crossLink}} method of the passed <i>actor</i>.
- *
- * @method transforms
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @static
- * @param {ProAct.Actor} actor The `ProAct.Actor` which transformations should be used.
- * @param {Object} val The value to transform.
- * @return {Object} The transformed value.
- */
- transform: function (actor, val) {
- var i, t = actor.transforms, ln = t.length;
- for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
- val = t[i].call(actor, val);
- if (val === P.Actor.BadValue) {
- break;
- }
- if (val === P.Actor.Close) {
- break;
- }
- }
- return val;
- }
- });
- P.Actor.prototype = {
- /**
- * Reference to the constructor of this object.
- *
- * @property constructor
- * @type ProAct.Actor
- * @final
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- */
- constructor: ProAct.Actor,
- /**
- * Initializes this actor.
- * <p>
- * This method logic is run only if the current state of <i>this</i> is
- * {{#crossLink "ProAct.States/init:property"}}{{/crossLink}}.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * Then {{#crossLink "ProAct.Actor/afterInit:method"}}{{/crossLink}} is called to finish the initialization.
- * </p>
- *
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @instance
- * @method init
- */
- init: function () {
- if (this.state !== P.States.init) {
- return;
- }
- this.doInit();
- this.afterInit();
- },
- /**
- * Allocating of resources or initializing is done here.
- * <p>
- * Empty by default.
- * </p>
- *
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @instance
- * @protected
- * @method doInit
- */
- doInit: function () {},
- /**
- * Called automatically after initialization of this actor.
- * <p>
- * By default it changes the state of <i>this</i> to {{#crossLink "ProAct.States/ready:property"}}{{/crossLink}}.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * It can be overridden to define more complex initialization logic.
- * </p>
- *
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @instance
- * @protected
- * @method afterInit
- */
- afterInit: function () {
- this.state = P.States.ready;
- },
- /**
- * Closes this actor => it state becomes {{#crossLink "ProAct.States/closed:property"}}{{/crossLink}}.
- *
- * This sends a `close` event to all the subscribers to closing.
- *
- * After closing the actor it can't emit events anymore.
- *
- * Example:
- * ```
- * var actor = new ProAct.Actor();
- * actor.onClose(function () {
- * console.log('Done!');
- * });
- *
- * actor.close(); // We will see 'Done!' on the console output.
- * ```
- *
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @instance
- * @method close
- * @return {ProAct.Actor} This instance - can be chained.
- */
- close: function () {
- if (this.state === P.States.closed) {
- return;
- }
- return ActorUtil.update.call(this, P.Actor.Close, 'close');
- },
- /**
- * Checks if <i>this</i> can be closed.
- * <p>
- * Defaults to return true.
- * </p>
- *
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @protected
- * @instance
- * @method canClose
- */
- canClose: function () {
- return true;
- },
- /**
- * This method is called when a `close` event is pushed to this `Actor`.
- *
- * It removes all the subscriptions to the `Actor` and sets its
- * state to {{#crossLink "ProAct.States/closed:property"}}{{/crossLink}}.
- *
- * Do not call this method; it is private!
- *
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @private
- * @instance
- * @protected
- * @method doClose
- */
- doClose: function () {
- this.state = P.States.closed;
- this.offAll();
- if (this.listener) {
- this.listener.closed = true;
- }
- },
- /**
- * Called immediately before destruction.
- *
- * The idea is to be implemented by extenders to free additional resources on destroy.
- *
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @instance
- * @abstract
- * @protected
- * @method beforeDestroy
- */
- beforeDestroy: function () {
- },
- /**
- * Destroys this `ProAct.Actor` instance.
- * <p>
- * The state of <i>this</i> is set to {{#crossLink "ProAct.States/destroyed:property"}}{{/crossLink}}.
- * </p>
- *
- * Calls {{#crossLink "ProAct.Actor/beforeDestroy:method"}}{{/crossLink}}
- *
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @instance
- * @method destroy
- */
- destroy: function () {
- if (this.state === P.States.destroyed) {
- return;
- }
- this.beforeDestroy();
- this.listeners = undefined;
- if (this.listener) {
- this.listener.destroyed = true;
- }
- this.listener = undefined;
- this.errListener = undefined;
- this.closeListener = undefined;
- this.parent = undefined;
- this.queueName = undefined;
- this.transforms = undefined;
- this.state = P.States.destroyed;
- },
- /**
- * Generates the initial listeners object.
- * It can be overridden for alternative listeners collections.
- * It is used for resetting all the listeners too.
- *
- * The default types of listeners are:
- * ```
- * {
- * change: [],
- * error: [],
- * close: []
- * }
- * ```
- *
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @instance
- * @protected
- * @method defaultListeners
- * @return {Object} A map containing the default listeners collections.
- */
- defaultListeners: function () {
- return {
- change: [],
- error: [],
- close: []
- };
- },
- /**
- * A list of actions or action to be used when no action is passed for the methods working with actions.
- *
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @instance
- * @method defaultActions
- * @protected
- * @default 'change'
- * @return {Array|String} The actions to be used if no actions are provided to action related methods, like
- * {{#crossLink "ProAct.Actor/on:method"}}{{/crossLink}},
- * {{#crossLink "ProAct.Actor/off:method"}}{{/crossLink}},
- * {{#crossLink "ProAct.ActorUtil/update:method"}}{{/crossLink}}.
- */
- defaultActions: function () {
- return 'change';
- },
- /**
- * Creates the <i>listener</i> of this actor.
- *
- * Every actor should have one listener that should pass to other actors.
- *
- * <p>
- * This listener turns the actor in a observer.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * Should be overriden with specific listener, by default it returns {{#crossLink "ProAct/N:method"}}{{/crossLink}}.
- * </p>
- *
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @instance
- * @abstract
- * @method makeListener
- * @protected
- * @default {ProAct.N}
- * @return {Object} The <i>listener of this observer</i>.
- */
- makeListener: P.N,
- /**
- * Creates the <i>error listener</i> of this actor.
- *
- * Every actor should have one error listener that should pass to other actors.
- *
- * <p>
- * This listener turns the actor in a observer for errors.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * Should be overriden with specific listener, by default it returns {{#crossLink "ProAct/N:method"}}{{/crossLink}}.
- * </p>
- *
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @instance
- * @abstract
- * @method makeErrListener
- * @protected
- * @default {ProAct.N}
- * @return {Object} The <i>error listener of this observer</i>.
- */
- makeErrListener: P.N,
- /**
- * Creates the <i>closing listener</i> of this actor.
- *
- * Every actor should have one closing listener that should pass to other actors.
- *
- * <p>
- * This listener turns the actor in a observer for closing events.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * Should be overriden with specific listener, by default it returns {{#crossLink "ProAct/N:method"}}{{/crossLink}}.
- * </p>
- *
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @instance
- * @abstract
- * @protected
- * @method makeCloseListener
- * @default {ProAct.N}
- * @return {Object} The <i>closing listener of this observer</i>.
- */
- makeCloseListener: P.N,
- /**
- * Creates the <i>event</i> to be send to the listeners on update.
- *
- * <p>
- * The <i>event</i> should be an instance of {{#crossLink "ProAct.Event"}}{{/crossLink}}.
- * </p>
- *
- * <p>
- * By default this method returns {{#crossLink "ProAct.Event.Types/value:property"}}{{/crossLink}} event.
- * </p>
- *
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @instance
- * @method makeEvent
- * @default {ProAct.Event} with type {{#crossLink "ProAct.Event.Types/value:property"}}{{/crossLink}}.
- * @protected
- * @param {ProAct.Event} source The source event of the event. It can be null
- * @return {ProAct.Event} The event.
- */
- makeEvent: function (source) {
- return new P.Event(source, this, P.Event.Types.value);
- },
- /**
- * Attaches a new listener to this `ProAct.Actor`.
- *
- * The listener may be function or object that defines a <i>call</i> method.
- *
- * ```
- * actor.on(function (v) {
- * console.log(v);
- * });
- *
- * actor.on('error', function (v) {
- * console.error(v);
- * });
- *
- * actor.on({
- * call: function (v) {
- * console.log(v);
- * }
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @instance
- * @method on
- * @param {Array|String} actions
- * The action/actions to listen for. If this parameter is skipped or null/undefined,
- * the actions from {{#crossLink "ProAct.Actor/defaultActions:method"}}{{/crossLink}} are used.
- * <p>
- * The actions can be skipped and on their place as first parameter to be passed the <i>listener</i>.
- * </p>
- * @param {Object} listener
- * The listener to attach. It must be instance of Function or object with a <i>call</i> method.
- * @return {ProAct.Actor}
- * <b>this</b>
- */
- on: function (actions, listener) {
- if (!P.U.isString(actions) && !P.U.isArray(actions)) {
- listener = actions;
- actions = this.defaultActions();
- }
- if (!P.U.isArray(actions)) {
- actions = [actions];
- }
- var ln = actions.length,
- action, i, listeners;
- for (i = 0; i < ln; i ++) {
- action = actions[i];
- listeners = this.listeners[action];
- if (!listeners) {
- listeners = this.listeners[action] = [];
- }
- listeners.push(listener);
- }
- return this;
- },
- /**
- * Removes a <i>listener</i> from the passed <i>action</i>.
- *
- * <p>
- * If this method is called without parameters, all the listeners for all the actions are removed.
- * The listeners are reset using {{#crossLink "ProAct.Actor/defaultActions:method"}}{{/crossLink}}.
- * </p>
- *
- * Examples are:
- *
- * Removing a listener:
- * ```
- * var listener = function (v) {
- * console.log(v);
- * };
- * actor.on(listener);
- * actor.off(listener);
- * ```
- *
- * Or for removing all the listeners attached to an actor:
- * ```
- * actor.off();
- * ```
- *
- * Or for removing all the listeners of a given type attached to an actor:
- * ```
- * actor.off('error');
- * ```
- *
- * Or for removing a listener from different type of actions:
- * ```
- * var listener = function (v) {
- * console.log(v);
- * };
- * actor.on(listener);
- * actor.onErr(listener);
- *
- * actor.off(['error', 'change'], listener);
- * ```
- *
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @instance
- * @method off
- * @param {Array|String} actions
- * The action/actions to stop listening for. If this parameter is skipped or null/undefined,
- * the actions from {{#crossLink "ProAct.Actor/defaultActions:method"}}{{/crossLink}} are used.
- * <p>
- * The actions can be skipped and on their place as first parameter to be passed the <i>listener</i>.
- * </p>
- * @param {Object} listener
- * The listener to detach. If it is skipped, null or undefined all the listeners are removed from this actor.
- * @return {ProAct.Actor}
- * <b>this</b>
- */
- off: function (actions, listener) {
- if (!actions && !listener) {
- this.listeners = this.defaultListeners();
- return this;
- }
- if (!P.U.isString(actions) && !P.U.isArray(actions)) {
- listener = actions;
- actions = this.defaultActions();
- }
- if (!P.U.isArray(actions)) {
- actions = [actions];
- }
- var ln = actions.length,
- action, i, listeners;
- for (i = 0; i < ln; i ++) {
- action = actions[i];
- listeners = this.listeners[action];
- if (listeners) {
- P.U.remove(listeners, listener);
- }
- }
- return this;
- },
- /**
- * Attaches a new error listener to this ProAct.Actor.
- *
- * The listener may be function or object that defines a <i>call</i> method.
- *
- * This is the same as calling `on('error', listener)` on an `Actor`...
- *
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @instance
- * @method onErr
- * @param {Object} listener
- * The listener to attach. It must be instance of Function or object with a <i>call</i> method.
- * @return {ProAct.Actor}
- * <b>this</b>
- */
- onErr: function (listener) {
- return this.on('error', listener);
- },
- /**
- * Removes an error <i>listener</i> from the passed <i>action</i>.
- *
- * This is the same as calling `off('error', listener)` on an `Actor`...
- *
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @instance
- * @method offErr
- * @param {Object} listener
- * The listener to detach. If it is skipped, null or undefined all the listeners are removed from this actor.
- * @return {ProAct.Actor}
- * <b>this</b>
- */
- offErr: function (listener) {
- return this.off('error', listener);
- },
- /**
- * Attaches a new close notifcation listener to this `ProAct.Actor`.
- *
- * The listener may be function or object that defines a <i>call</i> method.
- *
- * This is the same as calling `on('close', listener)` on an `Actor`...
- *
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @instance
- * @method onClose
- * @param {Object} listener
- * The listener to attach. It must be instance of Function or object with a <i>call</i> method.
- * @return {ProAct.Actor}
- * <b>this</b>
- */
- onClose: function (listener) {
- return this.on('close', listener);
- },
- /**
- * Removes a close notification <i>listener</i> from the passed <i>action</i>.
- *
- * This is the same as calling `off('close', listener)` on an `Actor`...
- *
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @instance
- * @method offClose
- * @param {Object} listener
- * The listener to detach. If it is skipped, null or undefined all the listeners are removed from this actor.
- * @return {ProAct.Actor}
- * <b>this</b>
- */
- offClose: function (listener) {
- return this.off('close', listener);
- },
- /**
- * Attaches the passed listener to listen to values, errors and the close notification from this `ProAct.Actor`.
- *
- * The listener may be function or object that defines a <i>call</i> method.
- *
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @instance
- * @method onAll
- * @param {Object} listener
- * The listener to attach. It must be instance of Function or object with a <i>call</i> method.
- * @return {ProAct.Actor}
- * <b>this</b>
- */
- onAll: function (listener) {
- return this.on(listener).onClose(listener).onErr(listener);
- },
- /**
- * Removes all notifications <i>listener</i> from the passed <i>action</i>.
- *
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @instance
- * @method offAll
- * @param {Object} listener
- * The listener to detach. If it is skipped, null or undefined all the listeners are removed from this actor.
- * @return {ProAct.Actor}
- * <b>this</b>
- */
- offAll: function (listener) {
- this.off(listener);
- this.off('error', listener);
- return this.off('close', listener);
- },
- /**
- * Links source actors into this actor. This means that <i>this actor</i>
- * is listening for changes from the <i>sources</i>.
- * <p>
- * A good example is one stream to have another as as source -> if data comes into the source
- * stream, it is passed to the listening too. That way the source stream is plugged <b>into</b> the listening one.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * The listeners from {{#crossLink "ProAct.Actor/makeListener:method"}}{{/crossLink}},
- * {{#crossLink "ProAct.Actor/makeErrListener:method"}}{{/crossLink}} and {{#crossLink "ProAct.Actor/makeCloseListener:method"}}{{/crossLink}} are used.
- * </p>
- *
- * Chaining actors is very powerful operation. It can be used to merge many source actors into one.
- *
- * ```
- * var sourceActor1 = <Actor implementation>;
- * var sourceActor2 = <Actor implementation>;
- * var actor = <Actor implementation>;
- *
- * actor.into(sourceActor1, sourceActor2);
- * actor.on(function (v) {
- * console.log(v);
- * });
- *
- * ```
- *
- * Now if the any of the source actors is updated, the update will be printed on the console by the `actor`.
- *
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @instance
- * @method into
- * @param [...]
- * Zero or more source ProAct.Actors to set as sources.
- * @return {ProAct.Actor}
- * <b>this</b>
- */
- into: function () {
- var args = slice.call(arguments),
- ln = args.length, i, source;
- for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
- source = args[i];
- source.on(this.makeListener());
- source.onErr(this.makeErrListener());
- source.onClose(this.makeCloseListener());
- }
- return this;
- },
- /**
- * The reverse of {{#crossLink "ProAct.Actor/into:method"}}{{/crossLink}} - sets <i>this actor</i> as a source
- * to the passed <i>destination</i> actor.
- *
- * ```
- * var sourceActor = <Actor implementation>;
- * var actor = <Actor implementation>;
- *
- * sourceActor.out(actor);
- * actor.on(function (v) {
- * console.log(v);
- * });
- *
- * Now if the any of the source actors is updated, the update will be printed on the console by the `actor`.
- *
- * ```
- *
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @instance
- * @method out
- * @param {ProAct.Actor} destination
- * The actor to set as source <i>this</i> to.
- * @return {ProAct.Actor}
- * <b>this</b>
- */
- out: function (destination) {
- destination.into(this);
- return this;
- },
- /**
- * Adds a new <i>transformation</i> to the list of transformations
- * of <i>this actor</i>.
- *
- * <p>
- * A transformation is a function or an object that has a <i>call</i> method defined.
- * This function or call method should have one argument and to return a transformed version of it.
- * If the returned value is {@link ProAct.Actor.BadValue}, the next transformations are skipped and the updating
- * value/event becomes - bad value.
- * </p>
- *
- * <p>
- * Every value/event that updates <i>this actor</i> will be transformed using the new transformation.
- * </p>
- *
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @instance
- * @method transform
- * @protected
- * @param {Object} transformation
- * The transformation to add.
- * @return {ProAct.Actor}
- * <b>this</b>
- */
- transform: function (transformation) {
- this.transforms.push(transformation);
- return this;
- },
- /**
- * Adds a new <i>transformation</i> to the list of transformations
- * of <i>this actor</i>.
- *
- * A transformation is a function or an object that has a <i>call</i> method defined.
- * This function or call method should have one argument and to return a transformed version of it.
- * If the returned value is {@link ProAct.Actor.BadValue}, the next transformations are skipped and the updating
- * value/event becomes - bad value.
- *
- * Every value/event that updates <i>this actor</i> will be transformed using the new transformation.
- *
- * The idea of this method is that it just calls {{#crossLink "ProAct.Actor/transform:method"}}{{/crossLink}},
- * but it can be overidden from another module.
- *
- * TODO Maybe transformStored is a bad name
- *
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @instance
- * @method transformStored
- * @protected
- * @param {Object} transformation
- * The transformation to add. Can be string - to be retrieved by name.
- * @param {String} type
- * The type of the transformation, for example `mapping`.
- * @return {ProAct.Actor}
- * <b>this</b>
- */
- transformStored: function (transformation, type) {
- return this.transform(transformation);
- },
- /**
- * Adds a mapping transformation to <i>this actor</i>.
- * <p>
- * Mapping transformations just transform one value into another. For example if we get update with
- * the value of <i>3</i> and we have mapping transformation that returns the updating value powered by <i>2</i>,
- * we'll get <i>9</i> as actual updating value.
- * </p>
- *
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @protected
- * @instance
- * @method mapping
- * @param {Object} mappingFunction
- * Function or object with a <i>call method</i> to use as map function.
- * @return {ProAct.Actor}
- * <b>this</b>
- */
- mapping: function (mappingFunction) {
- return this.transformStored(mappingFunction, 'map');
- },
- /**
- * Adds a filtering transformation to <i>this actor</i>.
- * <p>
- * Filtering can be used to filter the incoming update values. For example you can
- * filter by only odd numbers as update values.
- * </p>
- *
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @instance
- * @protected
- * @method filtering
- * @param {Object} filteringFunction
- * The filtering function or object with a call method, should return boolean.
- * @return {ProAct.Actor}
- * <b>this</b>
- */
- filtering: function(filteringFunction) {
- var self = this,
- filter = filteringFunction.call ? function (val) {
- if (filteringFunction.call(self, val)) {
- return val;
- };
- return P.Actor.BadValue;
- } : filteringFunction;
- return this.transformStored(filter, 'filter');
- },
- /**
- * Adds an accumulation transformation to <i>this actor</i>.
- * <p>
- * Accumulation is used to compute a value based on the previous one.
- * </p>
- *
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @instance
- * @protected
- * @method accumulation
- * @param {Object} initVal
- * Initial value for the accumulation. For example '0' for sum.
- * @param {Object} accumulationFunction
- * The function to accumulate.
- * @return {ProAct.Actor}
- * <b>this</b>
- */
- accumulation: function (initVal, accumulationFunction) {
- if (!accumulationFunction) {
- accumulationFunction = initVal;
- initVal = undefined;
- }
- var self = this,
- val = initVal,
- acc = accumulationFunction.call ? function (newVal) {
- val = accumulationFunction.call(self, val, newVal)
- return val;
- } : accumulationFunction;
- return this.transformStored(acc, 'acc');
- },
- /**
- * Creates a new ProAct.Actor instance with source <i>this</i> and mapping
- * the passed <i>mapping function</i>.
- * <p>
- * Should be overridden with creating the right actor.
- * </p>
- *
- * ```
- * var actor = sourceActor.map(function (el) {
- * return el * el;
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * or
- *
- * ```
- * var actor = sourceActor.map('+');
- * ```
- *
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @instance
- * @abstract
- * @method map
- * @param {Object|Function|Strin} mappingFunction
- * Function or object with a <i>call method</i> to use as map function.
- * Can be string for predefined mapping functions.
- * @return {ProAct.Actor}
- * A new ProAct.Actor instance with the <i>mapping</i> applied.
- */
- map: P.N,
- /**
- * Creates a new ProAct.Actor instance with source <i>this</i> and filtering
- * the passed <i>filtering function</i>.
- * <p>
- * Should be overridden with creating the right actor.
- * </p>
- *
- * ```
- * var actor = sourceActor.filter(function (el) {
- * return el % 2 == 0;
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * or
- *
- * ```
- * var actor = sourceActor.filter('odd');
- *
- * ```
- *
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @instance
- * @abstract
- * @method filter
- * @param {Object} filteringFunction
- * The filtering function or object with a call method, should return boolean.
- * @return {ProAct.Actor}
- * A new ProAct.Actor instance with the <i>filtering</i> applied.
- */
- filter: P.N,
- /**
- * Creates a new ProAct.Actor instance with source <i>this</i> and accumulation
- * the passed <i>accumulation function</i>.
- * <p>
- * Should be overridden with creating the right actor.
- * </p>
- *
- * ```
- * var actor = sourceActor.accumulate(0, function (current, el) {
- * return current + el;
- * });
- * ```
- *
- * or
- *
- * ```
- * var actor = sourceActor.accumulate('+');
- * ```
- *
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @instance
- * @abstract
- * @method accumulate
- * @param {Object} initVal
- * Initial value for the accumulation. For example '0' for sum.
- * @param {Object} accumulationFunction
- * The function to accumulate.
- * @return {ProAct.Actor}
- * A new ProAct.Actor instance with the <i>accumulation</i> applied.
- */
- accumulate: P.N,
- /**
- * Defers a ProAct.Actor listener.
- * <p>
- * By default this means that the listener is put into active {{#crossLink "ProAct.Flow"}}{{/crossLink}} using it's
- * {{#crossLink "ProAct.Flow/pushOnce:method"}}{{/crossLink}} method, but it can be overridden.
- * </p>
- *
- * This method determines the order of actions, triggered by the changes in the data flow.
- * The default implementation is executing only one update on this Actor per data flow change.
- * This means that if the `Actor` depends on other three Actors, and all of them get updated,
- * it is updated only once with the last update value.
- *
- * @for ProAct.Actor
- * @protected
- * @instance
- * @method defer
- * @param {Object} event
- * The event/value to pass to the listener.
- * @param {Object} listener
- * The listener to defer. It should be a function or object defining the <i>call</i> method.
- * @return {ProAct.Actor}
- * <i>this</i>
- */
- defer: function (event, listener) {
- var queueName = (listener.queueName) ? listener.queueName : this.queueName;
- if (P.U.isFunction(listener)) {
- P.flow.pushOnce(queueName, listener, [event]);
- } else {
- P.flow.pushOnce(queueName, listener, listener.call, [event]);
- }
- return this;
- }
- };